How to Build the smfBox

Fabrication of the Box

Fig 1: Exploded view of the microscope body.

The box itself is composed of machined anodized aluminium parts.
The technical drawings for the aluminium components can be found on our github Here

Main Assembly and Optical Aligment

Main Microscope Body

The microscope body forms the basis for the sample measurement. It is designed to be as flexible and stable as possible. The construction is based around a modular cube with a central block designed to hold the main optical components.

Parts 53-58 can be assembled and bolted onto this central block of the microscope body as seen in figure below. Part 53 is attached using four screws at its corners and part 58 affixes with a single M6 cap screw. Part 58 fixes the two mounts together to increase rigidity. These parts form the main DM1 (a) and M3 (b) mount. The confocal arrangement is formed of parts 59-63 and mounted on rods (parts 64-65). Insertion of the objective is best done according to the alignment instructions (below). The bushing (part 51) need to be set to the correct height during this process.

Fig 2: Exploded view of the microscope body

Excitation Pathway

The excitation pathway consists of two mirrors giving complete steering into the main cube. It also consists of a camera, which images the backreflection, ensuring the beam is focused in the plane of the sample. A photodiode can also be arranged to check the triggering of the lasr systems.

Parts 1-30 form the optical path for the laser prior to entering the main microscope body. Parts 31-35 form the back-reflection focusing optics. It is important to adjust the length of part 32 to match the focal length of lens d before implementation. This can be done by using a collimated laser beam and minimising the focal spot size. Parts 36-44 form the photodetector system. Parts 45-47 attach the arrangement to the main cube.

Fig 3: Exploded view of the excitation pathway

Once the main cube body is attached the optical table the scope can be simultaneously be built and aligned in about two days work.


Fig 4: Wiring diagram for the smfBox to the BNC's and PC.

See above diagram for wiring. You will need to strip the crocodile clips from the RG-58/U Coaxial Male BNC-Hook Up Wires as noted in shopping list